Monday, January 12, 2009

How I miss him.

It's only the 11th of January 2009.
But this heart of mine keeps pounding day and night, telling me how I miss him so.
The only thing that stayed in mind was the day I sent him off to the aiport and I couldn't send him off to the departure hall because we were late.
I was already at the carpark, was about to park Chiyo-Chan and my cell rang.
"Hime, I'm going in now" Sigh, I was upset but I told no one.
How I wish I could be a little more faster than I was that day so, I could wave him goodbye or even better "See you soon, love" waves.
Leaving the airport, feeling devastated, we talked on the phone until he called it quit - boarding the plane.
I need to endure this pain for another 2 weeks before he comes home, into my arms once again.
Oof..This feeling..Too much love..Just by listening to his voice daily makes my day so wonderful.
I love him. I love you, Ishi. I really do.

I wish you'll have wonderful days at work this week.
I won't be around to talk to you on yahoo or skype. Wouldn't be around to watch you work and look at your enchanting smiles.
But Ishi, I'm always there with you, in spirit. Just on your right, hehe. Right next to you. =)


  1. im sory bout what happen dat day, i didnt know u wud be feeling dat way... not ur fault dat we late, ive made it after all, so evrythg is ok... love u...

  2. I know, its alright.
    Just the tight chest that I felt when I left the car park.
    Wuhuu...I just wish I could be there to see you go.
    I wasn't able to be there for you when you arrived and once again, wasn't able to send you off. Wuu..How sad..

  3. gila jiwang deros, mmg kalau aku jumpa aku tumbuk perut.
    pegi kawen mije 25 feb???

